

Commonly asked questions.

If your question is not answered here please email - yeetadmin@catholic.tas.edu.au

General Questions

YPD is a database tracking Tasmanian students through their Approved Learning Plans and ensuring they are meeting the requirements of the act.

This covers students enrolled in;

  • year 10

  • year 11

  • year 12

Changes to the Education Act 2016 (Tas)

In 2020 changes to the Tasmanian Education Act 2016 came into effect requiring young people to participate in education or training (Approved Learning Program) until they complete

  • year 12, 

  • a Certificate III or until they turn 18 years of age unless they have an exemption granted based on full-time employment,

  • or other specific individual circumstances.

From the 1 January 2020, young people who have completed Year 10 are required to participate in an Approved Learning Plan (ALP) of education and/or training unless they are home educated, have an approval for part-time attendance or have an exemption. 

Schools can no longer unenroll a student under the age of 18 without knowing where they are intending to go next.


Schools may choose to have multiple YPD Users who assist the YPD Manager in following up students and entering “Notes” into the YPD.

Requesting to add, remove, create YPD Users send an email with the following staff members information:

E-mail: yeetadmin@catholic.tas.edu.au

–School Name

–First Name

–Last Name

–Date of Birth

–School E-mail Address

The above actions must be completed within 7 days under the Education Act from the date your school becomes aware.

Procedural Questions

Technical Questions

Adding new students

Still having problems with this issue or have questions?
Contact the ICT Client Services team on 03 6210 8886 or via ictsupport@catholic.tas.edu.au.
You can also log a ticket via the ICT Support Portal