Welcome! Use the search bar to search our knowledge base!
Welcome to CET Help Centre. Take sometime to have a look around or contact your friendly ICT Team member to schedule in a personalised tour of the site.
Featured portals
Catholic Education Tasmania Feedback Portal
The Catholic Education Tasmania Feedback Portal has been created to provide you with a platform for communicating, at a system level, with the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office (the operational arm of the Catholic Education Commission Tasmania). Use this site to send us your congratulations, concerns, complaints and feedback.
The TCEO's office hours are Monday to Friday 8:30am - 5pm. The office closes during public holidays and school holidays so please check our website for up-to-date opening hours.
We look forward to hearing from you!
ICT Support
Welcome! You can raise an ICT request from the options provided.
CET is committed to wide consultation with all stakeholders for the benefit of all employees and students whilst maintaining the sustainability of Catholic education in Tasmania.
We are listening
Thank you to everyone who engaged in last year’s consultation towards revising our Enterprise Agreement.
As we progress through the EA process for 2022, we want to make sure that you have an ongoing opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback.
We are grateful that you want to contribute to this process and any questions or comments will be received in good faith.
Who sees my question?
There is a small team of people at the TCEO who are administering this process comprised of senior leaders and communications staff.
If they can’t answer your question, they will consult outside of this group. When that happens, your name will not be shared, only the question you have asked.
Can I expect a response?
You can request a personal response. We intend to then get back to you within three working days.
Additional Information
If your question is not specific to your individual circumstances and may help others understand the development of the EA, then the answer may also appear on the Enterprise Agreement page on the CET Intranet which is accessible to all staff. Your personal information will not appear on this page.
Privacy, Data and Copyright Support
Welcome! You can raise a request for Privacy, Data and Copyright Support using the options provided.
Learning Environments
Welcome! You can raise a request for Learning Environments using the options provided.
Having trouble accessing certain websites or systems? We'll help you out.
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