To create a more secure Wi-Fi experience for our staff please follow the instructions for connecting a Mac or Windows machine to the CET Wi-Fi.
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Set the instructions out using a numbered list. Make sure that each action is a separate instruction and is described clearly. Where applicable provide a graphic to support the user’s understanding of what is needed to complete the action. Delete this Info Panel before publishing the help article. |
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When including directions about buttons or links to click, please use capital letters and highlight text in bold. Delete this Info Panel before publishing the help article.If you are attending a College please see the front office for the best method of connecting to WiFi |
Step 1
Locate the Wi-Fi symbol on your machines screen. It will different across Mac or Windows machines.
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title | How to find Wi-Fi symbol on a Mac |
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title | How to find Wi-Fi on Windows |
Your computer will compile a list of available networks for you to connect to. Click on CET-WiFi to connect to the service.
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title | List viewed on Windows |
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Step 3
You will need to sign into the network using your CET account, using your account name (firstname.lastname) and password.
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title | Signing in on Windows |
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Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Step 7
Step 8
Step 9
Step 10
If you are planning on connecting to the CET-WiFi regularly, you can prioritise the network in your connections list.
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title | Prioritise connection on Mac |
Click on the Wi-Fi icon again. Click on Open Network Preferences Image AddedClick on Advanced. Image AddedClick and drag CET-WiFi to the top of the list. Ensure Auto-Join is checked. You may additionally un-check Auto-Join on other networks if you do not connect to them regularly. Image Added |
Trouble Shooting
Your device will return an error message if you have entered the incorrect password.
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title | Error message for Mac |
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title | Error message for Windows |
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Please refer to our Reset Your Password document if this error continues.
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