Young people who have completed Year 10 are required to participate fulltime in an Approved Learning Plan (ALP) of education and/or training until they complete Year 12 or a Certificate III or they are 18 years of age – whichever comes first – unless they are home educated, have an approval for part-time attendance or have an exemption.
Forms for collection of data
Forms can be copied / duplicated using the links below.
Do not change any of the form settings - this is to ensure data integrity and collection consistency between all schools.
Technical Guides on how to send the above forms to students can be found on the may YEET page.
Student Transition Plan Template
The Student Transition Template can be downloaded below.
The Blue section must be completed for all students enrolled in Years 10, 11 and 12. The Green section includes the data received from the Google / Microsoft Form.
Student Alert Letter
If you are having difficulty engaging a student in the Transition Planning process, the school should issue the following letter to inform parents of the implications of failing to lodge a Transition Plan.
CET Flowchart (Transition Plans to Statements)