Title: FAQ  
Owner: Astrid Orange
Creator: Astrid Orange Nov 30, 2022
Last Changed by: Nathan Sharp Dec 21, 2022
Tiny Link: (useful for email) https://tceo.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYD2Z
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Children (26)
    Page: 1. Why is it important for CET to have a whole of system LMS?
    Page: 2. What are the core features of the LMS, and how do they align with our educational goals?
    Page: 3. Can the LMS support various content types (e.g., text, video, quizzes, assignments)?
    Page: 4. Assessment, grading, and reporting is an option with School Box, why are we using another system?
    Page: 5. Can the LMS integrate with our existing systems (e.g., student information system, payroll, timetabling)?
    Page: 6. Is it compatible with various devices and operating systems?
    Page: 7. Is the LMS interface intuitive and user-friendly for both students and teachers?
    Page: 8. Are there mobile apps available for on-the-go access?
    Page: 9. Can we customise the LMS to match our school's branding and specific needs?
    Page: 10. How flexible is it in terms of course design and layout?
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