Upload WWVP to Employee Profile

Document Overview

It is the responsibility of each and every employee in Catholic Education Tasmania to ensure that your WWVP registration is updated in your employee profile.


Step 1

Step 2

Click on “TechOne (Prod)”

Step 3

Click on “TCEO My HR & Pay”

*You will find this in white right in the middle of the screen or in grey at the bottom of the screen.


Step 4

Click on “My Details”

Step 5

In the left hand panel click on “Accreditations”

Step 6

Review the accreditations assigned to your profile.


continue to Step 7.

continue to Step 7.

If you have a valid WWVP accreditation attached to your profile with no supporting documentation. Please triple check the expiry date is valid and the WWVP number is correct.

If so, you can stop here and no further action is required!

If you have a valid WWVP accreditation attached to your profile with supporting documentation you can stop here and no further action is required!

If you have a valid WWVP accreditation attached to your profile however there is invalid information (wrong expiry date or missing number)

Click the drop-down arrow and “Cancel”


You will need to explain why you are cancelling. Once that is complete your manager will receive an email.

Now continue to Step 7 to upload your registration.


Step 7

Click on the “+ Add” and choose “Add Registration”

Step 8

The screen will auto fill your Employee Name and Position. Choose WWVP from the “Registration Drop-down”


Step 9

Fill out all of the items in the form including picking CBOS as the issuing authority from the drop down menu.

101 (Consumer, Building & Occupational Services)


When ready click “Save”

Step 10

Your registration is now in “draft”; review your submission and use the “edit” button if you have made a mistake.


When ready click “Supporting Documents”


Step 11

Scan or take a photo of your WWVP Card


You can drag and drop a file into the “Supporting Documents” section or press the “+ Add” button to search your computer for the file.

Step 12

Confirm that your supporting documentation is attached for your Manager to review.

Step 13

Click “Submit”

Your manager will then receive an e-mail to review the submission against the photo evidence submitted.




Still having problems with this issue or have questions?
Contact the ICT Client Services team on 03 6210 8886 or via ictsupport@catholic.tas.edu.au.
You can also log a ticket via the ICT Support Portal